Save the date!
August 16,2025
4P - 9P
Main St Forest Grove
Get “Uncorked” in Forest Grove. Celebrate in the streets of Forest Grove for the downtown annual “Uncorked” event. This event features Oregon's abundance of fine wineries, micro-brew, spirits, skillfully crafted food, fine arts, and local music talent. Stroll Main Street to see what’s what, hear the live music (dance in the street if you like), enjoy all there is to taste, and participate in a raffle for a chance to win a half wine barrel full of wine-related wares!100% of the raffle proceeds are donated to our charity.
UnCork the fun!
The particulars:
Admission is $13 online until August 10, $15 online until August 15 or at the gate
Portion of gate proceeds will go to local Veteran Organizations.
This is a 21 and over only event.
No dogs allowed, except service dogs.
Nominal tasting fees may apply.

PNW Wineries!

Artisan Distilleries


Live Music!

Great Food!